The bank card control module automates the accounting of all types of bank cards from the moment of their purchase to distribution throughout the bank branches and departments. This module includes a subsystem for the accounting of PIN code tabs.
The module provides front-office and back-office interfaces with the built-in service bus for integration with local processing centers.
System functionality enables the following single-window transactions:
- order of card at bank branch and/or department;
- order of subcards at bank branch and/or department;
- card prolongation;
- card blocking;
- card status change;
- PIN-code change with appropriate integration with UFX;
- monitoring and tracking of activities via cards;
- Anti-fraud protection monitoring.
The system supports all necessary clearing transactions of input files or WEB services GNI@ DATA EXCHANGE OPEN API called by the external processing center and generates necessary output files on the balance or invokes the required WEB services of the external processing center.
By means of web integration with the automated banking system and with other modules and subsystems, all transactions conducted via bank cards are automatically displayed in online accounting using the specified accounting model with configurable constructors.